Wednesday 26 January 2011


Well this is all new to me!! Blogging, its more my sisters thing,but today i thought well give it a go.
I hope to try and do this daily in between cleaning, working, going on facebook and twittering!!!
Today has been a pretty routine day apart from having a bad stomach this morning that had me in the toilet several times!! :( Stomach bug or ibs??? who knows!
Just about to have a late lunch, lovely 18 year old son picking the girls up from school soon bless him!! (whats he after lol!! ) Then off to tescos to pick up one of daughters birthday presents, cannot believe she will be 13!! Where does the time go!!


  1. wow, what a day yesterday!! went to bristol zoo with 100 plus infant school children!! The trip there was some what trying! Children being sick!! Children asking are we there yet!! Must say once we were there i thoroughly enjoyed it and so did the children. But one thing for certain is i would never drive there myself, bristol is sooo big!!!

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